The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (2024)

If you’re stuck in an office all day, it might seem like you’re miles away from nature.

But guess what? Bringing a bit of the great outdoors inside isn’t just possible–it’s also a great idea!

Having plants in your office isn’t just about making your space look more inviting–though they definitely help with that.

These leafy pals can also boost your mood, clean the air, and even improve productivity.

We’ve got all the deets on why they’re such a great addition to your workspace, which ones are the best picks (think: low maintenance and high impact), and how to care for ’em.

Whether you’ve got a window office or a cubicle, stick around–we’ve got the dirt on how to green up your workspace.

Table of Contents

The Benefits of Having Plants in the Office

Even if you’re not a green thumb, there are lots of great reasons you need to spruce up the office with some plants.

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (1)

Good for Your Mind and Body

First off, plants ain’t just pretty faces–they’ve got some serious health benefits, too.

Studies show that having plants around can lower your stress levels, boost your mood, and even improve your concentration and productivity.

And get this: Plants can even help clean the air!

That’s right, these leafy pals can filter out some of the nasties in the air, like formaldehyde and carbon dioxide.

So, not only are they a treat for your eyes, they’re also good for your lungs.

Aesthetics, Baby!

And let’s not forget about the aesthetic side of things.

A well-placed plant can take a drab office and turn it into a vibrant, welcoming space.

Think of them as your own little pieces of living art. Whether it’s a towering fiddle-leaf fig or a cute little succulent, there’s a plant for every office style and size.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Office Plants

So you’re sold on the idea of having plants in your office. But how do you choose the right ones?

There’s more to it than just picking the prettiest plant at the nursery.

Here’s what you need to keep in mind:

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (2)

Light Availability

You’ve gotta consider light availability.

Some plants are sun-lovers and need lots of bright, indirect light.

Others are happy in lower light conditions.

So, check out your office lighting before you choose your plant.

If you’re workin’ in a windowless office, you’ll want to look for plants that can handle low light.


Space is another biggie.

Some plants, like the fiddle leaf fig, can grow pretty big, while others, like the snake plant, stay nice and compact.

So, you’ve got to think about how much space you’ve got to spare.

Do you have room for a large floor plant, or are you better off with a small desk plant?

Care Requirements

And let’s not forget about care requirements. Let’s be honest–some plants are just plain needy.

If you’re a busy bee (and let’s face it, who isn’t?), you’ll want to opt for low-maintenance plants that can handle a bit of neglect.

List of 26 Best Low-Maintenance Office Plants

You’re probably a busy person, and you need plants that can keep up with your hectic schedule.

You need plants that are tough as nails and can handle a bit of neglect.

So, without further ado, here’s a list of some of the best low-maintenance office plants:

Snake Plant

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (3)

Also known as “Mother-in-law’s tongue,” this plant is as tough as they come.

It can survive low light and drought like a champ.

ZZ Plant

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (4)

If you’re a serial plant killer, the ZZ plant is your new best friend.

This plant is nearly indestructible and can handle all kinds of light conditions.


The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (5)

With its trailing vines, pothos can add a touch of jungle vibes to your office.

Plus, it’s super easy to care for.

Spider Plant

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (6)

This plant is a classic for a reason.

It’s hardy, adaptable, and can even help clean the air in your office.

Rubber Plant

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (7)

Want a plant with big, bold leaves? Look no further than the rubber plant.

Just make sure to give it plenty of bright, indirect light.

African Violet

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (8)

Who says office plants can’t have flowers?

African violets are easy to care for and can bloom all year round.


The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (9)

Aloe isn’t just for sunburns.

It’s also a great office plant that can handle dry conditions.

English Ivy

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (10)

This classic vine is perfect for hanging baskets or letting trail off a bookshelf.

Just keep it out of direct sunlight, and it’ll be happy.


The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (11)

Philodendrons are easy to care for and come in lots of different shapes and sizes.


The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (12)

Also known as air plants, tillandsias don’t even need soil to grow.

How’s that for low-maintenance?


The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (13)

Also known as shamrocks, these plants have beautiful, delicate leaves that move in response to light.

Rex Begonia

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (14)

With its colorful foliage, rex begonia can add a pop of color to your office.

Lucky Bamboo

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (15)

It’s easy to care for, and it might just bring you some good luck!


The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (16)

If you’re really forgetful when it comes to watering, a cactus might be just the plant for you.

Peace Lily

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (17)

Not only are peace lilies easy to care for, but they also produce beautiful white flowers.

Jade Plant

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (18)

Jade plants are a type of succulent that can live for years with minimal care.

Weeping Fig

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (19)

This plant can grow quite tall and is perfect for adding some height to your office decor.


The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (20)

Spiderwort is a hardy plant that can survive in a variety of light conditions.

Parlor Palm (Parlour Palm)

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (21)

Want to add some tropical vibes to your office?

Go for a parlor palm.

Nerve Plant

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (22)

This plant has beautifully patterned leaves that can add some visual interest to your office.

Ponytail Palm

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (23)

Despite its name, this plant isn’t actually a palm. It’s a type of succulent and is super easy to care for.

Prayer Plant

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (24)

This plant got its name because its leaves fold up at night, like hands in prayer.

It’s a bit more finicky than some of the others on this list, but it’s worth it for its beautiful leaves.


The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (25)

There are many types of peperomia, and most of them are quite easy to care for.

Cast-Iron Plant

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (26)

This plant got its name from its ability to survive in less-than-ideal conditions.

This is a large one though that won’t fit on your desk.

Chinese Evergreen

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (27)

This plant can handle low light and infrequent watering.

And that makes it a great choice for the office.

Dwarf Umbrella Tree

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (28)

Want a plant that can make a statement?

The dwarf umbrella tree can grow quite tall and is relatively easy to care for.

Just keep in mind that even low-maintenance plants need some care, so you gotta do your homework on each plant’s specific needs before you bring it to the office.

Caring for Your Office Plants

Once you’ve picked out your new leafy pals you gotta know how to keep your new green buddies alive and thriving.

Here’s the skinny on general care tips for your office plants:

  1. Water Wisely: Don’t drown your green buddies. Most plants don’t like to sit in water. Wait until the top inch of the soil is dry before giving ’em a drink.
  2. Light Up Their Life: Most office plants are low-light lovers, but that doesn’t mean they want to be in the dark. Keep your plants near a window if you can, but out of direct sunlight.
  3. Keep It Cool: Plants aren’t too different from us. They generally prefer the same temperatures we do. So, if you’re comfortable, chances are, your plants are too.
  4. Humidity is Key: A lot of office plants come from tropical climates, which means they love a bit of humidity. If your office air is on the dry side, consider getting a humidifier or misting your plants occasionally.
  5. Don’t Forget to Feed: Plants need food too! During the growing season (usually spring and summer), feed your plants with a balanced houseplant fertilizer.
  6. Keep ‘Em Clean: Dust can block light from reaching your plant’s leaves. So, every now and then, give your plant a gentle wipe down with a damp cloth.
  7. Keep an Eye Out for Pests: Even office plants can get bugs. If you notice any spots, discoloration, or creepy crawlies, your plant might have pests. Most pests can be taken care of with a bit of insecticidal soap.

Dealing with Common Office Plant Problems

Okie dokie, you’ve got your office jungle started, but sometimes things go awry.

Here’s what I can tell ya about some common office plant problems and how to fix ’em up:

  1. Yellow Leaves: If your plant’s leaves are turning yellow, it might be getting too much water. Try cutting back on your watering schedule and make sure the pot has good drainage.
  2. Brown Leaf Tips: This could be a sign that the air in your office is too dry. Try misting your plant or putting a humidifier nearby.
  3. Droopy Leaves: If your plant looks a bit sad and droopy, it might need more water. Check the soil and see if it’s dry.
  4. Leggy and Thin: Is your plant reaching for the stars and looking a bit thin? It might not be getting enough light. Try moving it to a brighter location.
  5. Pests: If you notice little bugs or spots on your plant, it might have pests. Try treating it with a bit of insecticidal soap.
  6. Slow Growth: If your plant seems to be in a bit of a growth slump, it might need some fertilizer. Give it a feed with a balanced houseplant fertilizer.

Creative Ways to Incorporate Plants in Your Office

Just ’cause it’s a stuffy, boring old office doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun with our green buddies.

Here are a few fab ways to display plants in your workspace:

  1. Vertical Gardens: Short on space? No prob. Go vertical! Wall-mounted planters or a living wall can be a super cool way to bring some green into your space without eating up desk real estate.
  2. Hanging Planters: Got some ceiling or shelf space? Hang your plants! Not only does it look rad, it’s also a great way to keep your plants away from curious pets.
  3. Terrariums: These little ecosystems in a jar are a great conversation starter and a fab way to bring a little bit of nature indoors. Plus, they’re super fun to set up.
  4. Plant Shelves: If you’ve got a bunch of plants, why not give ’em their own shelf? It’s like a little stage for your green buddies to show off on.
  5. Desk Planters: There are some really nifty desk planters out there with space for your pens and stuff, too. Talk about functional!
  6. Window Sills: If you’ve got a window in your office, that’s prime plant real estate. Set up a couple of plants to give you something nice to look at during the day.
  7. Creative Pots: Who said pots have to be boring? Get your hands on some quirky pots that reflect your personality.

Remember, the sky’s the limit when it comes to your office jungle. So go wild and make your workspace a place you love to be in!

The 26 Best Office Plants To Spruce Up Your Desk - Blooming Fields Farm (2024)


What is the best flower plant for office? ›

If your desk is next to a window and you receive bright indirect light, you could keep many flowering plants like Peace Lily, Orchid, Kalanchoe, and Anthurium. In case your office desk receives low light, look for plants like ZZ plant, Snake Plant, Bromeliad, and Succulents.

What type of plants are good for office? ›

What are the best low maintenance office plants? Which office plants are the easiest to take care of?
  • Sansevieria.
  • Aglaonema.
  • Pothos.
  • Dracaena.
  • Philodendrons.
  • Zamioculcas zamiifolia, or more commonly, ZZ Plants.

What flowers to put in office? ›

Peace lily plant

When you're going to spend 40-plus hours a week in your office, keeping calm is key. A peace lily plant can help with that, and it comes with the bonus of being able to clean and purify indoor air.

Is it okay to put plants on your desk at work? ›

It's also been shown that plants benefit your heart and brain, too. Not only that, but they also act as a natural humidifier, which is a massive benefit for cold and stuffy offices. So the next time you think the air is stale in your office, think about putting a plant on your desk — it will do you good.

What are fast growing plants for office? ›

Spider Plant

Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) are fast-growing with long arching leaves (called ribbons), and they don't require much care. They prefer warm, humid offices, thrive in indirect light, and keep them away from air conditioning vents.

What is the most successful flowering plant? ›

Among all the subgroups of kingdom Plantae, angiosperms are considered as most successful as it is known that all the flowering or flower-bearing plants are grouped into angiosperms. It is considered most successful due to its two main features, flower and seed formation.

What is the easiest plant to keep alive in the office? ›

Golden Pothos

Also known as Devil's Ivy, this sprawling plant is incredibly easy to take care of. It can tolerate the darkest spaces and the brightest, window-filled offices and will survive even if you forget to water it sometimes.

How to decorate office with plants? ›

A tall plant placed next to your desk not only looks good, it creates a natural screen. Alternatively, use a few hanging plants or fill an open bookshelf with plants such as CLUSIA to screen off your desk."

What is the best plant for an office with no windows? ›

Spider plants are great for purifying the air and they can help to reduce the amount of toxins in the air. The Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) is another great option for a windowless room. Boston ferns are known for their ability to tolerate low light levels and they are also very easy to care for.

What is the most welcoming flower? ›

A Guide to the Best Welcoming Flowers and Houseplants That Symbolize Friendship and Hospitality
  • Eucalyptus. Like many botanicals, eucalyptus doubles as trendy home decor and an inviting symbol for guests. ...
  • Lavender. ...
  • Money Tree. ...
  • Bonsai Tree. ...
  • Anthurium. ...
  • Tulips. ...
  • Chrysanthemums. ...
  • Wisteria.
Sep 21, 2022

What flowers to give coworkers? ›

Cheerful yellow blooms are great for cheering someone up. If your colleague's been ill or having a tough time, a bouquet of sunflowers, daffodils, or tulips can be the perfect pick-me-up.

Should I have a plant on my desk? ›

'Good indoor plants can positively affect air quality and reliably reduce VOC loads by up to 75% and increase oxygen to carbon dioxide ratios, at least during the day while they are performing photosynthesis,' Patykowski says. There's also research linking desk plants to improved mood, concentration and creativity.

What plant will survive an office with no windows? ›

Spider Plants (Chlorophytum) are also a great option for a windowless room. Spider plants are known for their ability to tolerate low light levels and they are also very easy to care for. They have long, thin green leaves and can produce small white flowers.

Why every desk at your office should have a plant? ›

Having plants in the office has been shown to improve air quality, increase attention span, improve creativity, lower stress and stabilise mood. Having plants can reduce cold and cough, and so, indirectly it also decreases absenteeism.”

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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